Sarcoglycan Deficient Muscular Dystrophy

a dachshund dog

A form of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy associated with a mutation in a muscle sarcoglycan gene has been identified in young miniature Dachshunds from Australia, South Africa, and the US. Clinical signs, first noted at approximately 6 months of age were variable and included exercise intolerance, stiff gait, myoglobinuria and dysphagia. The serum CK activity was markedly and persistently elevated. Histopathology of muscle biopsies showed a dystrophic phenotype and immunofluorescent stainings showed all sarcoglycan proteins were markedly decreased or absent.

Research carried out at the University of Minnesota and the University of California San Diego – Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory identified a pathogenic mutation in the alpha sarcoglycan gene (SGCA). This mutation is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. We now offer a genetic test which allows owners to determine their dog’s status for this mutation (clear, carrier, or affected) in order to guide future breeding decisions and to definitively diagnose affected dogs.

a dachshund dog


Scientific References

Sarcoglycan A mutation in miniature dachshund dogs causes limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2D.
Mickelson JR, Minor KM, Guo LT, Friedenberg SG, Cullen JN, Ciavarella A, Hambrook LE, Brenner KM, Helmond SE, Marks SL, Shelton GD.
Skelet Muscle. 2021 Jan 7;11(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s13395-020-00257-y.

Step 1 - Select instructions for your sample type

Step 2 - Complete your submission form(s)

Step 3 - Submit Payment

  • 1-3 Dogs - $65 ea.
  • 4 or more - $58 ea.

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Cheek swabs are not included in the purchase price. Links to several purchasing options are available within the cheek swab protocol.

Step 4 - Ship your sample(s)

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