Hereditary Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis, Type 1

an english bulldog with a yellow ball in the grass

Hereditary Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis, Type 1 (CaOx1) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that greatly increases the risk for formation of CaOx urinary (bladder or kidney) stones.  

Who gets it?

CaOx1 is rare across the dog population as a whole, but it is the most common cause of CaOx urinary stones in English Bulldogs. We have also identified the mutation in the American Staffordshire Terrier, Border Collie, Boston Terrier, BullmastiffHavaneseRottweiler, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier; we believe the mutation is likely present in additional breeds, especially those related to the bulldog lineage. If you are interested in testing a breed not listed here, you are welcome to contact us first at [email protected] to obtain information on the likelihood that the mutation exists in your breed of interest.

What are the clinical signs?

CaOx stones can form in the kidneys or bladder. This causes irritation that may manifest as straining to urinate, frequent urination, urgency with urination, blood in the urine, or life-threatening urinary obstructions. Dogs affected by hereditary CaOx1 can develop stones as puppies or adults with an average age of 3 years at diagnosis. Recurrence is common. Though many patients have serious consequences, some remain asymptomatic. Males are significantly more likely to form stones than females.   

We are currently conducting research to determine which therapies are most likely to reduce stone risk specifically for dogs with hereditary CaOx1. If your dog is affected, you can help with this research by submitting a urine sample for special analyses in our laboratory (no charge). Please contact us [email protected] for more information. We will update this website as we learn more about the best treatment for this disease.

Donate to the Canine Genetics Lab

a black and white photo of a small dog

If you wish to contribute financially to the Canine Genetics Research Fund please donate online.

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Scientific References

Calcium oxalate urolithiasis in juvenile dogs.
Saver A, Lulich JP, Van Buren S, Furrow E. Vet Rec. 2021:e141. doi: 10.1002/vetr.141

Step 1 - Select instructions for your sample type

Step 2 - Complete your submission form(s)

Step 3 - Submit Payment

CaOx1 or HUU

  • 1-3 Dogs - $65 ea.
  • 4 or more - $58 ea.

CaOx1 + HUU "Combo"

  • 1-3 Dogs - $100 ea.
  • 4 or more - $85 ea.

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Need cheek swabs?

Cheek swabs are not included in the purchase price. Links to several purchasing options are available within the cheek swab protocol.

Step 4 - Ship your sample(s)

Result Interpretation

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